Tuesday, 19 June 2012

ASEAN or the Association of South East Asian Nations

ASEAN : Basic Facts                                source: PD/June/2011
1. ASEAN or the Association of South East Asian Nations was founded on Aug.8, 1967 at Bangkok by five founder members : Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Brunei joined it in 1984, Vietnam in 1995, Laos and Myanmar in 1997 and Cambodia joined ASEAN in 1999. Thus, at present, it has ten members.
2. According to the charter of ASEAN, it has following objectives :
(a) It aims to promote economic growth, social progress and culture development in the region.
(b) To facilitate among members the cooperation in economic, social and culture fields.
(c) To provide a forum for the peaceful settlement of disputes among member states.
(d) To promote peace and stability in the region.
 3. ASEAN has a distinct way of functioning, which is known as the 'ASEAN way', characterised by certain fundamental principles, which were outlined during the first ASEAN Summit in 1976, held at Bali, Indonesia. These principles are contained in the treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) signed by member during the first Summit. The main principles underlying the ASEAN way are : the respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality and territorial integrity of all nations; right of each state to lead a national life without external coercion and precessure, non-interference in the internal affairs of nations; abide by the norm of not using force or threat of force in mutual relations and deepening cooperation among members as well as resolution of differences by peaceful means.
The 'ASEAN way' has been instrumental in ensuring that ASEAN keeps away from regional and domestic controversies and tensions and concentrates on the main agenda of economic cooperation.
 4. ASEAN has gradually expanded its activities from economic cooperation to security matters and community building. It has tried to involve non-member nations in its activities; from economic cooperation to security matters and community building. It has tried to involve non-member nations in its activities; which play significant role in the region. Thus, in 1997, it founded ASEAN + 3 mechanism in which three leading countries of this region-Japan, China and South Korea are also activity involved in its activities.
 In 1994, ASEAN founded ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) to discuss security related matters and to ensure peace and stability in the region. All important actors including the USA, USSR, China are members of ARF. Similarly, it has founded East Asia Summit in2005 to facilitate the community building process in East Asia. India is a founder member of East Asia. Its meetings are held on annual basis at the same place and time, where the annual ASEAN Summits are held. The fifth East Asia Summit was held at Hanoi(Vietnam) in Oct. 2010. It should be noted that India joined the ARF in 1996.

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